In 2004, an order was placed for my children to Child Protective Services by my Aunt, Barbara Wiedebusch. My Aunt could not have children, but wanted children, and quite specifically wanted my children for herself. She has a reputation for being particularly self righteous, and a history of being psychologically obsessed with other peoples children... As a result, my three daughters were abducted by CPS on Sept.5, 2005, and given to her...
This was based on the allegation that I was responsible for a bruise on my six year old daughters forehead… Courtney would come to tell me that she had hit her head on the monkey bars at school, but when she was called into the office, and interrogated by CPS and school officials, she was scared, and told them she did not know how she got the bruise... However, CPS would not accept her answer, and insisted to her that her Daddy had hit her until scared little, six year old Courtney would allegedly agree. All three of my daughters, including ten month old Emily, and eight year old Megan were ripped from their mother's arms later on that evening by CPS workers and police officers. They were all four screaming and crying... It seems to me that the "child savers" had a total lack of regard for my children's "best interest", and in fact caused severe traumatic and emotional abuse to my children, right from the get go!!!
Also I should mention that an investigation by CPS revealed that not only did I not cause the bruise, but that my work records proved that I was out of town, and kept me from even having contact with my daughter for five days prior to the injury.
I was told by the department that their permanency plan was family reunification, and that I would have my children back within thirty days, by the states attorney... This was a lie and tactic to try to keep me from obtaining my own attorney. This was my aunt, Barbara Wiedebusch...

Then I was told that if I ever wanted to get my kids back alive, I would have to successfully complete a "service plan", which I did. They claimed that this "service plan" which consisted of personal counseling, family counseling, psychological evaluation, drug evaluation, home evaluations, batterer intervention program, anger management program, and parenting classes, would help me to become suitable to get my children back. But in actuality they were using their team of paid professionals to build a case against me…

During this first year under the state's "protection", CPS maximized their federal funding by labeling my children “special needs children" CPS'S funding increases substantially when they label a child as being a "special needs child," so they diagnosed my children with ADHD and forced them to take dangerous psychotropic and stimulant drugs. In the state of Texas 2 out of 3 Children under the states "protection" are used to maximize profits in this manner. Some kids as young as two years of age are forced to take multiple, mind altering psychotropics with no regard to the fact that their young minds are still being developed... "The best interest of the child"??? Who are they kidding? (Refer to an NBC report entitled "Child Protective Services Destroys Kids & Here's PROOF.flv" on youtube) here's the link... http://youtu.be/nnNyA3v7U80

These drugs along with the emotional abuse of being ripped away from her parents, and the emotional abuse of my psychotic Aunt and her husband forcing my kids to call them Mom and Dad, led to Courtney being admitted into a psychiatric hospital with thoughts of suicide, which is a common side affect of these drugs... Who protects the children, when their God given protectors have been stripped away, and CPS is given absolute power to abuse children for profit? (Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!)

At the last second, CPS changed their permanency plan from "family reunification," to "termination of my parental rights"... I now know that this was their plan all along, and they only stretched this out for a full year to the maximum time allowed, so that they could capitalize on every federal dollar that they could possibly rake in... And also to manufacture as much "evidence" against me as they possibly could through psychiatrist's, counselors, and therapist's, whom work for them, negative evaluations ... In any case, with God's help, I was able to totally take CPS out of the picture, and off the case all together, through a "mediated settlement agreement" that gave my Aunt "PMC," Agreeing to this settlement would mean that my Aunt would keep temporary custody, but I would have a graduated visitation schedule, and I would be allowed to petition the courts, at a later date, to regain custody of my children without CPS being involved. Also, my Aunt would no longer have the luxury of the "State of Texas" and all their resources backing her wicked plan to destroy my family... This settlement was agreed upon by my self, and the state, and was brought into court record.
Shortly after this, My children made an outcry to me that they were being physically abused by my Aunt's husband and when I took my oldest daughter to the Sheriff's Department, during a visitation, with multiple bruises and belt marks all over her body, CPS was forced to investigate the integrity of their own placement. It is no surprise that CPS's findings were "no signs of abuse or neglect" in the home they placed them in. But, I have documented photos, a sheriff's report and a statement from my daughter, that says she was physically held down on a bed by my aunt's husband, and was beaten black and blue, with a belt, while she lay kicking and screaming and with no clothing on her legs (or her daddy) to protect her. All for leaving a car door open upon returning home...

Shortly after this, my Aunt hired her own attorney, took me to court, and tried to have my parental rights terminated on her own. Which, thank God, had to go before the District Court Judge, not the corrupt CPS Judge, because CPS was no longer involved... At the conclusion to this hearing, the District Court Judge scolded my Aunt and her attorney, and told them they had no grounds to terminate my parental rights... This was a glimmer of hope, right??? Wrong ! When my Aunt lost her case against me, she knew that she was going to have to get CPS back involved if she was ever going to permanently steal my children away from me... So what does she do??? She turned to her old friends, and up and GAVE my kids back to CPS!!!
This began the second CPS case, would give them a second chance to terminate my parental rights, and landed my children in a Foster home, where they are 6 times more likely to be physically, sexually abused or murdered... Besides the fact that children are much more likely to be abused in Foster Care, over 1000 children are actually tortured and murdered under the "protection" of CPS every year! Essentially, they are "protected" to death! (Refer to Bill Bowens documentary "Inocence Destroyed" on youtube) here's the link... http://youtu.be/48YF1uEuCUA

So now with my children back in CPS custody, CPS was requiring me to begin a second service plan, even though their permanency plan was admittedly to terminate my parental rights... But how could I have failed as a parent during this time when the access I had to my children was limited to supervised visitation? And if the states permanency plan is to terminate my parental rights, why do they want me to begin more counseling? Remember, that one of the reasons why CPS is so successful, is because they create the illusion that the counseling is to help reunite the parent with their children. This is a hoax! The purpose of the "counseling" by the states team of "professionals", who are on their payroll, is to manufacture negative progress reports to be used against the parent during the termination hearing! Also remember that the way the current system is set up under Bill Clinton's 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act,(ASFA) there is no financial incentive for CPS to reunite children with their parents, the department only gets paid when they keep the children in their custody as long as possible, then the department receives huge cash adoption bonus INCENTIVES, when they terminate parental rights and adopt their children to strangers... They are called "Federal Adoption Bonuses" for God's sake!!!(Refer to "CPS Crimes Against Children" on youtube) here's the link...http://youtu.be/P9OoWRPHs24

At this time my visitations were court ordered to take place in a town almost two hours away, however I have documented the violation of these "court orders" by CPS, because my kids were not being brought to these visits, with no regard to letting me know they were not going to be there, therefore letting me take off from work and make the trip for nothing. I later learned that this is common practice among CPS workers, to not bring the kids to the scheduled, court ordered visitations. They purposefully try to induce the parent to show signs of hostility or anger to be used against them in court. However State CPS workers are free to violate court orders, commit perjury, and even destroy and manufacture evidence without having to worry about consequences because States employees are protected by immunity laws...

In another instance, According to the book, Out Of Control, Who's Watching Our Child Protection Agencies, by Brenda Scott, during a visitation, a little girl asked her mother, "Do you want me Mommy?" The CPS worker reportedly refused to allow the mother to respond. A Denver social worker confirmed that hostility or anger on the part of the parent over loosing their child is considered a sign of guilt. But if social workers, many of whom do not even have children, had any knowledge of parent/child relationships, and if they were truly interested in family reunification, shouldn't they be more worried if the parent was not upset???

The nightmare continues... During one of these wasted trips I spent in the waiting room without even getting to see my kids, someone shared a seemingly believable story with me, about a parent who was able to pay CPS and got their children back... When I told my CPS case worker about this story and inquired about weather this was possible, she blatantly lied, twisted my words, and said that I offered money directly to her. The department filed "Felony Bribery" charges on me. I was soon after arrested, and am currently out on bond, awaiting trial, and could face up to ten years in prison for this felony charge... CPS would later use these allegations, which they fabricated, against me in my termination hearing... Imagine that...

So now after almost three years, and with approximately two months before my "termination hearing", the corrupt CPS Judge tells me I have to get another attorney, because the one I had was representing myself and my kids mother... I still don't understand this ruling... However my new attorney who was not familiar with the case was no match for the "State of Texas", whom I’d like to point out, now had three years to prepare their case.
On September 11, 2008, Against my children's and my will, and by using unlawful tactics, the state obtained a verdict terminating my parental rights. The department promptly scheduled what they proudly call a "final visitation." I have not been allowed to see, talk to, or write my children sense that visit in October 2008. I am not even allowed to send them a birthday card...

My case has been in appeal for the last year and a half...We have filed our appeal brief, but had to wait for the state to file theirs, which they finally did 15 months later in December 2009. The appellant court finally has all they need to make a ruling, however there is no news to date. The basis for our argument is that the court allowed the state to retry the first case even though we had come to a mediated settlement agreement, and the fact that mistreating my children was impossible, when they were not even in my care...
As you can see, there are many injustices in my case. But this is not an isolated incident, in fact, this is a world wide political and criminal phenomenon. I continue to pray and hold on to my faith that God is in control. I find inspiration in Nehemiah 4:14, the scripture that says, "Don't be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes." This is my family. According to Psalm 127:3, God gave them to me, not the state!!! Please pray for their safe return…
On May 13, 2010, the Texas 11th District Court Of Appeals rendered their opinion which states, "We find that the evidence is legally and factually sufficient to support the court's findings on termination."
On June 10, 2010, my motion for rehearing was denied.
On July 6, 2010, I accepted the states plea offer to reduce the felony bribery charge to a lesser misdemeanor of improper influence. Based on my attorneys recommendations, and his inability, and/or unwillingness to fight the state, I could not risk being sentenced to prison if the judge decided to believe the lies of my lesbian CPS case worker. Note: She does not have any children.
Megan, Courtney, and Emily, I love and miss you so much. Keep in mind that God had your best interest at heart when He choose your Mom and Dad. Remember to always seek His guidance, and trust Him in all situations. Daddy prays for you every day, pray for him too... Till I see you again, stay joyful, peaceful, and safe... I love you always and forever... Dad

Youre not lying.I had custody of my son for 3 years and had him taken from me because of some very trumped up charges.This is in Michigan so it's happenening everywhere.His mom's indifference kind of helped me,and luckily the Foster care worker saw that these claims were absurd.I still had to giv eGuardianship to my Dad just to get my lil man outta the system.It beat the alternative.Now,he's back home,I'm just not his "Guardian".If you have anyone that will take Guardianship and give you your babies back,find em fast.Best of luck to you and your kids.
ReplyDeleteDon't ever stop fighting. Those girls depend on you and they wait patiently for you to rescue them.
ReplyDeleteJames, several elements of your case directly remind me of my case (no surprise to anyone else, i'm sure). My husband displayed signs of "anger and hostility," while for a long time i was immobilised by shock, utter depression and grief. The ironic thing: i didn't display "anger" or "hostility" (until i finally regained my senses anyway) but it was still determined that my actions and display of emotions were out of my "feeling guilt!" I agree with The Juiceman: if someone who has in mind the best interests of *you and your girls* can at least gain guardianship, things won't be perfect but will definitely be better. It is no small thing to ask this of someone because of the incredible legal burden and personal risk it places on anyone who undertakes to gain and maintain guardianship while juggling parents' access, etc. to the children (my parents know all about this). I can tell this seems like an unlikely option for you at present. However, i felt it should at least be mentioned for the sake of anyone else who might benefit from it. I don't know every last thing about you and your case, but i've tried to follow as much and often as i can. I know so many cases are as heartbreaking (and dare i say some are even worse?) as yours, but still couldn't help feeling my heart breaking for you and your girls all over again as i read your above blog. My husband, one of my 5 sons, and 3 of my 4 sisters are on F.B., and i've been keeping them (and my parents) generally posted on your situation. I believe you are a real testament to everything for which a good Christian and good father should stand. I know you will never stop fighting; that's what someday your girls will see has been the biggest sacrifice you could have made on their behalf. Hopefully they will know all the ways you've fought for them, and will understand and appreciate your torment, etc. I only say this because in my experience children who don't know and understand these things often only see that their parent(s) failed to rescue them; but children who do, have a better way to become "whole" again and resume their relationships with their parent(s). I'm sorry if i've rambled, but these things were on my mind to tell you. God bless you. You are a gem. My family and i will be praying for you.
ReplyDeletewow that's awesome that sounds like my sister n law she wanted my kids and she got them because the CPS worker that took them away is her best friend Family can really be something else. I will never forgive her for what she did. But you have to remember that someday they will answer to the lord so keep your chin up. I know how you feel I have been there too and I will never have my kids again either.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sorry for you and your children. CPS is a very slimy, and dare I say, EVIL organization, as I can say from personal experience.
ReplyDeleteNever give up on the babies. They need you.
Please I need help!! I'm in San Antonio, I'm dealing with the same situation, my son was taken May 13th from school. Haven't spoken to him since...my mother is mentally ill and kidnapped him numerous times over the past, she's involved now, and in michigan. Tomorrow he will be here with her, and going back into foster care...WHAT DO I FILE ON MONDAY TO GIVE GUARDIENSHIP, I need him out of the system. The cops bully and beat me up my first day at court for sitting in the corner quietly praying and singing silently "jesus jesus, jesus, jesus...this battle is not my own, but a spiritual battle that is for so many people" and i stood up for my right to an attorney, and it's honestly long stories, and I'm running out of time. They are trying to terminate rights, never did an investigation, i cant' reach anyone, i was flying threw on my own before they required me to take ua's or go to counseling or do their service plan, and they didn't like my fast progress cause it was harder for them to prove I was unfit or abusive.....210-660-0436 is my cell and my name is Jamie cooperjamie1983@yahoo.com please someone call cause i need to find this today! or my gmail is IGOTYOU.jcooper@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI joined countygrandjury.org I think this is the answer to stopping this. Common law gran juries of the people we must unite to stop this. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM&feature=share
ReplyDeleteto see what we need to do together.
go to youtube
ReplyDeletebattle at kruger
you will see how to handle CPS
They did the same thing to me .They took my daughter from me all because my ex sister in law that was a teacher and her husband was a cop in Elpaso Texas said they would help me until I got to Texas,by that time they already got cps involved and they opened this plan on me and said I would get her back if I did it and Of course I did and I even had to go to Aliviana,witch is a three month in treatment program,well every other girl in there had there children with them and they said I could not and they would not even let her call me mommy,they were just keeping me locked up until they got all there paper work together,and they did and they took my little girl from me and I have not seen her in a year,they tried to do the same thing when my son was born on the 12 of march last year 2010 and They seen I was putting up a fight and I got a very highly paid lawyer and they tried to get me to sine a plan and my lawyer said no!And I did not,well they said they at least wanted to see if my son was o.k and I said sure even with no contract and that was in June and still to this day dec,4 of 2011,they still have not came to see my son,The jest of it is they just thought they were going to swoop in like vultures and take my son and sell him for cash and they thought awfully wrong,I will never trust another CPS agent as long as I walk this earth and I will be damned if I let them take another one of my babies!
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ReplyDeleteBarbara, when my girls are old enough to understand the whole truth, they are going to hate your guts worse then they already do. May God have mercy on your soul...
ReplyDeleteI Hate CPS so badly that I want to terminate all their State and federal funding from them and shut them down permanently.But in order to do that this matter needs to be brought to US government and get them to stop funding CPS.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to take a stand and stop CPS from stealing and using our children to put money in their pockets.If you know of groups that are willing to stop CPS and their corruption please send me the links.
Welcome to Parents Injustice Group Scotland.
ReplyDeletePlease exchange website url links with us as we want to support families and children uk and worldwide we need professionals and we need the public to voice your opinion now.. www.parentsinjusticegroupscotland.co.uk so if you can help us we will help you we are a worldwide forum for child stealing by the state and social workers adopting children for no reason.
We like to link with parent support groups mental health child abuse falsely accused and disibility groups worldwide please join our free website and blog your story or tell us about your group..
We have been created by the need to fight widespread social care injustice and abuse of draconian state power.
Children are being ripped from their parents simply because they are considered "unconventional" or even single.
Just like pigs we rootle under the surface to find those golden nuggets of truth hidden beneath half truths, targets, idealised aims and a " not my decision " culture.
In fact we are the truffle P.I.G.S. of the social care world.
Our aim is to help and support parents who have lost their children through spurious reasons. Low income, untidy house, learning difficulties,disabled, bad diet, disorganised lifestyle or a perceived non cooperation with social services.
We don't claim that these are fully acceptable but if the money wasted by the legal and social system was spent helping families with these difficulties there would be no need for their abusive and draconian behaviour.
The whole system cannot be seen to have made a mistake, so they cover up any dodgy decisions. Everyone has seen how government and bankers squirm out of responsibility for their actions. Even sympathetic solicitors have little chance against this state conspiracy.
The worst thing about the whole rotten business is that the children pay for the rest of their lives. And it doesn't stop there. Their children end up suffering too. Three generations affected by inept decision making, it's beyond criminal.
So please get in touch however hopeless and battered you feel. We can and will make a difference to you and your children.
Parents injustice group scotland
Im going thru this now one child said i molested them 5 told cps i never touched her or them cps asked me to leave the home which i did (the child that accused me lives with her dad in which i talked the mom into) being home less had no phone no money no way to call the detective friends would let me use there phones but only after nine. Now they have issued 2 felony warrents for me becouse i did what i was told to do. God bless every one who has to deal with these low life ppl
ReplyDeleteI'm 15 years old. I was born with HIV my mother passed away because of the HIV infection And I regret why i never met Dr Itua he could have cured my mum for me because as a single mother it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr itua healing words online about how he cure different disease in different races diseases like HIV/Aids Herpes,Parkison,Asthma,Copd,Epilepsy,Shingles,Cold Sore,Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia, Diabetes Hepatitis even Cancer I was so excited but frighten at same time because I haven't come across such thing article online then I contacted Dr Itua on Mail drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com I also chat with him on what's app +2348149277967 he tells me how it works then I tell him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I receive my herbal medicine within 4/5 working days he gave me guild lines to follow and here am I living healthy again can imagine how god use men to manifest his works am I writing in all articles online to spread the god work of Dr Itua Herbal Medicine,He's a Great Man.